Google Ads Folsom

Navigating the digital marketplace of Folsom can often feel overwhelming with ever-changing rules. Champion Online Marketing is here to serve as your trusted partner in navigating this complex digital landscape.

Our team is passionate about online marketing and provides personalized Google Ads management services include PPC (Pay Per Click) and Call Only Ads, Shopping Ads and Retargeting.

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PPC Works

Important Points

  • Champion Online Marketing specializes in Google Ads management and can help target your ads to the right people in Folsom.
  • With professional help, you can ensure that you spend your money wisely and reach potential customers at the right time with targeted advertising.
  • We track every ad and keyword’s performance and adjust campaigns for better results, and so you know where your money goes.
  • We create unique ad campaigns for each client, focusing on what makes each business special to attract more visitors and buyers.
  • You can expect personalized service from Champion Online Marketing as we work closely with our clients to grow their online presence.

Understanding Google Ads PPC Management

Google Ads Management is managing paid ad campaigns on Google. Most often these are Pay Per Click Ads – where you pay every time someone clicks on your ad.

We pick the right keyword terms or search phrase to target and the audiences to show your ads to online. It’s like fishing in the digital world.

To fish effectively, we need good bait—our keywords and ads. Managing search terms and ads is all about checking if our bait works and changing it when it doesn’t.

We monitor every ad and keyword term to see how much it costs, how many people click on it and which ones are converting into leads and customers. This way we can see what is actually working and driving leads, sales and revenue and not guessing or using our gut.

Next up, let’s see why having someone professional handle your Google Ads can make a big difference for your business.

The Google Ads dashboard has a complex interface with dozens of different settings and decisions that you can make. Getting a key setting wrong can cause you to blog through a large amount of money or waste your budget on irrelevant keywords or the wrong geographic areas. It is literally a land mine designed to get as much of your money as Google can.

PPC Management

Benefits of Professional Google Ads Management

Diving into the realm of Google Ads can transform your online presence—think of it as grabbing the digital megaphone to amplify your brand’s voice. Our hands-on management ensures that every ad is a strategic move towards attracting and engaging your ideal customer, turning clicks into clients with precision you won’t find elsewhere.


The Google Ads dashboard has a high level of complexity, with numerous settings and decisions to be made. Getting a key setting wrong can cause you to blog through a large amount of money or waste your budget on irrelevant keywords or the wrong geographic areas. It is a literal land mine designed to get as much of your money as Google can.

Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising

We make sure the right people see your ads. We use targeted advertising to show your products or services to the online searcher who is actively looking for them. This means you don’t waste money; instead, you spend it wisely by reaching out only to those interested.

By focusing on the right keywords, groups of people, and even the times they’re online shopping or searching, we increase the chance that these potential customers visit your website.

Picture an ad for a nearby bakery showing up just as someone wants a cupcake – that’s what we do! With our help, you grab their attention at just the right time and turn their interest into sales.


Increased website traffic

Want more people to visit your website? We can make that happen. With our help, your Google PPC Ads will attract folks searching for what you have. It’s like a store with lots of customers coming in – the more who enter, the better your chances are of making a sale.

It’s all about making sure when someone looks for the products or service you offer, they find you!

Measurable results

Measurable results

When you want more people to come to your website, tracking everything is important. We follow each click and how much money you spend on ads. You can even see how many sales come from those clicks.

This way, you’ll be sure about what works best and can make sure you have a positive ROI.

Our tools help us check the success of your Google campaign. We pay attention to the conversion rate. That’s a number that shows if clicks are turning into customers or leads. By looking closely at these numbers, we figure out smart moves to make things better.

Also, our reports give clear details on where your dollars go.


Increased brand visibility and awareness

Using Google AdWords is a smart way to get noticed. When people search for what you sell, your ads appear right in front of them. This gets more people looking at your business and helps them remember it.

You don’t have to limit your ads to just the search results. They can also appear on many websites, in Gmail, and YouTube videos. Every time someone clicks on your ad, it’s an opportunity for someone new to find out about you.

This helps more people know who you are every day.

Our Google Ads Management Services in Folsom

At Champion Online Marketing, we pride ourselves on taking a surgical approach to Google Ads management—right here in Folsom. With us by your side, expect nothing less than strategic precision and personal attention that cuts through the digital noise, driving tangible outcomes for your business.

Keyword and demographic targeting

We understand the words your customers use when they search for services like yours on the internet. By using the best keywords, we make sure your ads pop up first in their searches.

Imagine a huge sign that only shows up for people who are already interested in what you’re selling.

We are careful about which people see your ads. We think about their age, whether they’re men or women, and where they live. So if you have a store in Folsom or if certain kinds of customers usually come to you more than others do, we target your ads just at those groups.

That way, every dollar you put into ads is extra powerful because it goes straight to the right people—those who are most likely to want what you offer.

Local Keyword Research
Ad Creation

Ad creation and optimization

Making great ads is a craft. Our team has the smarts to create ads that catch eyes. We choose the right words and look so folks want to click on your ads. Every company is unique, so we tailor each ad just for what you offer.

Bettering ads never stops. We watch your ads to see how well they do. Then, we tweak them when needed to up their game. This might mean looking for fresh keywords, testing new images, or penning different ad texts.

We aim for your ads to stand out and draw more customers in.

Campaign monitoring and management

We watch every Google Ads campaign closely. Our team makes sure the ads work well – they need to get more clicks and customers for your business. We adjust words, bids, and settings to make sure you get the most for your money.

With our help, you’ll always know how your ads are performing.

Campaign monitoring
Performance Tracking

Performance tracking and reporting

You’ll get easy-to-understand reports that show how well your ads are performing so we can keep pushing towards even better results for your business.

Why Choose Us for Google Ads Management?

At Champion Online Marketing, we provide our personalized touch will amplify your online success.

Experienced and knowledgeable team

Our team is full of pros who’ve been doing this since 2011, just like our leader, Chad Nelson. We really know our way around Google Ads. No matter if you need help to craft the ideal ad copy or refine your keyword choices, we’re by your side throughout the entire journey.

We get how to manage pay per click ads and can help put your ads right where your best customers will see them.

We keep up by always learning. That lets us change things fast and keep your ads working great. Think of us as part of your own team – committed, hard-working, and all about getting you results that count.

If you want to start a new campaign or make an old one better, trust us to bring more people to your site and turn lookers into buyers.

Customized campaigns for each client

Every business is unique, and that’s important when creating ad campaigns. We focus on what sets your company apart and use it to spread the word. We come up with strategies that match your aims, from attracting new customers to highlighting your brand.

Your ads should reach the right folks. We take care of that by carefully choosing keywords and places for them to appear. With us, you’re not just hoping for the best with your ads; we track their performance closely and always work on improving them.

Want to chat about how we can support you with Google Ads Management?.

Why Choose Our Online Marketing Team
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Proven track record of success

We’ve helped many businesses grow by managing their Google Ads campaigns. We have lots of experience and know how. Our team works hard to bring in more sales and get more people visiting your website.

We always keep up with the latest changes, making sure our methods work best.

Are you ready to talk about how we can help your business shine online? Let’s discuss making a PPC plan that’s just right for what you want and need.

Personalized and dedicated customer service

Champion Online Marketing provides a service that feels personal. Your business is special, and we understand that. We listen, figure out what you need, and then create Google Ads campaigns just for you.

From start to finish, we are here with you.

Contact Us

Ready to make your business shine online? Let’s get started with mastering Google Ads together. Call us or send us a message, and let Champion Online Marketing boost your digital success.

Reach out now – we’re here to help you grow!

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frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google Ads management in Folsom?
It’s a service where experts help businesses use pay-per-click ads on Google to bring more visitors to their websites.
Why choose a PPC agency for managing my ads?
A PPC agency has the know-how to craft strategies, pick the right words, design landing pages, and optimize your ad spend for better results. If you aren’t familiar with running online ads, you cans waste a lot of money.